Book an appointment
Magyar verzió
This plugin allows you to book dates or days for one or more locations on the page.
The booking does not require registration, but the plugin requires the email address associated with the booking to work, as the plugin sends email notifications to the user and administrator during the booking process. In addition, the details of the booking can be modified.
Main functions
- Support for multiple bookings with different settings per location.
- Use an HTML template system for email communication. (Varies by language.)
- Support for holidays
- Enable booking on days and/or</ em> on holidays
- Possibility of forbidden days per booking location
- Possibility of allowed days of booking places
- Notification email address per booking location
- Confirm booking via link
- Cancel reservations
- Booking confirmation (optional)
- For booking form, your own robot filter or Google reCAPTCHA
- Adjustability of a bookable day at the latest </ li>
- For daily bookings:
- Book multiple days at once Just days next to each other!
- When booking:
- Set a booking period within a day
- Set booking time unit in (minutes)
- Different even and odd weeks
- Set a closed time (e.g. lunch time)
Free download: by clicking here.
Book a day
Book an appointment
Confirmation email
Notify administrator
Overview of daily bookings (frontend)
Overview of appointments (frontend)
Notify administrator of cancellation of booking
Unconfirmed bookings
Cancellation - without message
Set up a cancellation message
Cancel booking - with a message
Daily bookings (backend)
Date bookings (backend)
Plugin configuration
Set location (text section)
Location setting - daily booking parameters
Location setting - appointment booking parameters
Booking confirmation
Paste into Content
Customized display
Own captcha
Google reCaptcha v2
Google calendar setup