Frequently asked Questions

  • How do I add a checkbox that accepts data management to the form?

    To do this, you need to modify the plugin form. It’s not complicated, it’s a few steps.

    The first step is to create a folder called book-an-appointment in your topic!

    Copy the /plugins/book-an-appointment/templates/booking-form-single.html file from the plugin folder here, now created folder! The plugin will use this file for display until you find it.

    Edit this file to suit your needs! For example, the following code may be good for displaying a checkbox if you paste it in the correct location in the file:

    <div class="appointment-group">
        <div class="appointment-input">
            <input type="checkbox" class="no-save" name="gdpr" value="1" required />

    The [GDPR] text will be automatically replaced according to the page settings.

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