Plugin setup
The common settings of the plugin can be accessed in the „Settings/Common settings for appointments” menu or by clicking on the „Settings” link of the plugin on the „Extensions page”. The following settings are possible:

Hide in search:
The plugin creates bookings as a custom post type (Custom post type) , so they are normal content items that behave and appear as a general post. If you turn on the switch, bookings will not appear in the search.
Comma-separated list of holidays. The days listed here will be treated as holidays by the plugin. Enter them in the year-month-day format, eg 2020-10-23
Date format:
For administrators, this is how the month date appears in the header of the occupancy overview tables and in the month table on the reservation page.
(Default: Y. F)
Waiting for confirmation:
In case of booking, the system will send an email to the user to the address provided, through which you must confirm your booking. You can do this within the hour set here. If this is not done, the reservation will be canceled and the date (or day) will be released and can be re-booked.
(Default: 2)