Settings by defaults

It is possible to specify the default values of the plugin in the administration interface. The value of the setting can be overridden in shortcode via the parameter in the „Identifier” column of the table below.
[download-from-files target="MANDATORY!"]

ID Setup Description
target="" Folder to display
This setting can only be specified in shortcode.
The path to the folder in relation to the main WordPress folder whose contents should be displayed.
(Default: Yes)
template="" Default template The template to use if it is not set in shortcode.
(Default: default)
The plugin contains four built-in templates, three of which can be selected as defaults:

  • default
    Default appearance
  • extended
    Enhanced appearance
  • browse
    Browser look
    Display similar to the Windows File Manager window – does not reload the page when changing folders.

On the settings page, the selection box also offers the templates found in the download-from-filesfolder of the current theme. It is common WordPress practice to override built-in themes here.

folders="0|1" Show folders When enabled, subfolders of the selected folder (and its subfolders) will also be displayed and can be downloaded by the visitor.
(Default: Yes)
empty_text="" „Folder is empty” text Appears if there are no subfolders or files in the folder.
(Default: This folder is empty.)
accept="" Accepted types A comma-separated list of file types that can be displayed among downloadable documents. (If there are other types in the folder, they simply won’t appear.)
(Default: doc, docx, odt, pdf, xls, xlsx, ods, zip)
disabled="" Hidden File or folder names that do not appear in any way. (The name of the physical folder or file must be specified in a comma-separated list. The wp-adminand wp-includesfolders will always be hidden.)
(Default: not specified)
Folder order You can set the order in which folders are sorted, where:

  • Set order set:
    Drag-and-drop order in the plugin administration interface.
  • By name name:
    Ascending in alphabetical order by folder name.
  • As described title:
    As described, ascending in alphabetical order.
  • By date date:
    Folder decreases over time by date. (Latest first.)

(Default: Set Order)

File order You can set the order in which files are sorted, where:

  • Set order set:
    Drag-and-drop order in the plugin administration interface.
  • By name name:
    Ascending in alphabetical order by file name.
  • As described title:
    As described, ascending in alphabetical order.
  • By date date:
    Descending in time by file date. (Latest first.)
  • By size size:
    As the file size increases.
  • By extension ext:
    Ascending by file type, in alphabetical order.

(Default: Set Order)

sort_order="asc|desc" Sorting direction
  • asc:
    In ascending order
  • desc:
    In descending order
hide_direct_url="0|1" Hide links If enabled, remove the legible link from the source code.
(Default: Yes)
rename="0|1" Rename file and folder If enabled, renames the file or folder to include only English ABC letters and numbers as described. If a file with this name already exists, add a counter to the file name.
(Default: Yes)