Plugin options
On the page of the plugin setup, the function’s default values can be given. A part of these can be overwritten during the attachment to the form.
The form’s folders | The folder where the form(s) definition files can be found to the main library of WordPress. |
Form template |
The sample used for generating the form. Built in: Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4, and HTML5. More, custom styles can be used, which can be created in the folder of the site theme’s folder, the form-to-pdf/templates folder, the plugin searches for different folders there. If there is one (or more), you can choose which one to use.Overwritable during the attachment to the content: [form-to-pdf form="<form_name>" template="<template_folder_name>"]
Appearance to a group |
You can set the form to appear only to the specified user group: everyone | guest | registered | administrator Can be overwritten when pasting into content: |
Icon set | The built in styles use the Awesome fontset for the display. If this was not attached – they do not appear correctly – then mark the option, or use a custom style! |
Save data | Save the form data to a database that can be downloaded from the admin interface in Excel. Overwriteable during attachment: [form-to-pdf form="<form_name>" save_data="<0|1>"] |
Save PDF | Save a PDF to the server in the /wp-content/uploads/form-to-pdf folder. Overwriteable during attachment: [form-to-pdf form="<form_name>" save_pdf="<0|1>"] |
PDF Display | The display of the generated PDF document to the user. If not marked, the PDF document will not be generated. Overwriteable during attachment: [form-to-pdf form="<form_name>" show_pdf="<0|1>"] |
Notification for Administrators | Sends a notification email to the administrators. If not marked, it will not send an email. Overwriteable during attachment: [form-to-pdf form="<form_name>" send_admin="<0|1>"] |