Price list

Plugin setup

The plugin configuration page allows you to specify default settings. All of these can be overridden in the shortcode when invited.
The settings page is available by logging in to the WordPress administration page, where you can access the „Settings / Price List Settings” menu on the left.

The …

Paste into content

Use the [simple-price-list] shortcode to include the price list in your content with the default settings.
If you want to insert a price list other than the default – e.g. prices for products in a category – it’s easiest to use the plugin’s shortcode generator. You can access this by …


The plugin uses two filters for display, none of which are defined in the plugin, but if they are available, the plugin will use them. Sample codes should be placed in the (child) theme used in functions.php.
Change weight
Weight data is basically determined by WooCommerce settings, but with …

Change the look

The plugin displays the price list using its own template, which can be individually overwritten.
Here’s how to do it:

In the plugin folder, copy the entire contents of the wp-content/plugins/simple-price-list/templates folder to the wp-content/themes/my_theme/simple-price-list folder. (You …

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