
Creator and operator of the portal:

Dovalovszki TamásDovalovszki Tamás private person

Email: info@dovi42.hu
WordPress is a hobby for me – no livelihood.

My published plugins:

My other projects:

  • Szeged city news

    News portals related to Szeged in one place. Szegedhir.hu is an automatically operating news portal, which does not publish its own news, but receives and displays the news of the configured news sites. When receiving news, the portal sometimes applies a filter or filters.
  • Questionnaires for everyone

    A questionnaire can be created on the Internet interface, which displays the answers in graphical and tabular form, even “filtered on the fly”. The answers can also be downloaded in an Excel spreadsheet.
    No cost, no registration required.
  • WordPress Creator

    This application gives the developer of a WordPress plugin or widget the ability to build the basics through a generator. The plugin or widget generated on the page can be installed, run, remotely updated, settings can be made and these settings are managed in the administrator interface, while on the user page it is shown. By implication, it does not implement the desired function, "only" is provided by the framework.

Thank you for your interest in my work!

You can contact me by filling out the form below, or at any of my direct contacts at the top of the page. If you choose the electronic form, I will contact you shortly at one of the contact details provided.


I can search for you by this name.
I can contact you at this email address.
Thank you for your trust!
You can read our data management information (in Hungarian) by here.
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