
It is possible to configure the plugin in the admin interface:

These settings are globally valid – cannot be overwritten elsewhere.
The plugin generates and emails a statistical report every day, when the first visitor visits that day.

Plugin settings

Setting Description
Send to administrators Select to send the automatic report to all administrators.
More recipients Enter additional recipients here. Email addresses must be listed separated by commas.
Delete old data If checked, older data will be deleted after the report is submitted. (Older than the start date of the report.)
Days in Report Data for these days will be included in the report.
New visitor threshold This many hours after the last visit, a visit from the same user counts as a new visit.

Widget settings

Here you can set which tabs appear in the admin interface widget. Turn it on if you want the view to appear.

Overview The overview view.
Visitors Visitor overview.
Period Show visits by hour.
Countries Visitor country view.
Categories View the categories you have viewed.
Pages View the posts you have viewed.
Searches View search terms.
Bad requests View links that caused a 404 error.